Virginia Budget on Track

Report on transportation and public safety funding.

On Budget Sunday this week, as Chairman of the Transportation and Public Safety subcommittee, I gave the report of the subcommittee. Here's what I said:

“Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee, on behalf of the Transportation and Public Safety Subcommittee, I am pleased to present to you our budget recommendations.

In the Transportation arena, last year’s budget included a $325 million general fund infusion including support for transit in Northern Virginia (WMATA) and toll relief in Hampton Roads, in addition to the $21.7 billion in transportation funds we appropriated over the biennium.

The subcommittee’s budget recommendations today include an additional $175 million general fund for the I-81 Improvement program based on your decision to earmark this funding contingent on the 2024 year-end surplus. This funding not only will expedite construction projects along the I-81 Improvement program but will also save money in the long run.

The subcommittee’s other transportation amendments focus on modernizing the distribution of our transportation dollars. To that end, the subcommittee supported legislation to update the allocation formula within the Department of Aviation and the Department of Rail and Public Transportation to ensure our funds are spent in their most efficient manner.

In addition, the subcommittee is recommending $8 million from the Transportation Partnership Opportunity Fund be allocated to support a dredging project near the launch site on Wallops Island. This project is needed for the continued development of the rocket launch site and reflects the direct linkage between transportation improvements and economic development.

A general fund item the Subcommittee felt needed to be supported is $250,000 for the Department of Transportation to complete a study of the impact the development of the state’s highway systems had on African American communities. As we move forward as one Commonwealth it is important to understand our past.

IN THE AREA OF PUBLIC SAFETY, the subcommittee report provides $4.1 million in additional general fund for local sexual assault and domestic violence agencies. This is a critical investment of general fund resources to continue our efforts to offset ongoing declines in federal support for these important services.

The Subcommittee report recommends over $6.3 million in new general fund spending to enhance healthcare services for individuals in state correctional facilities and to expand career and technical education programs. These investments aim to improve conditions within the prison system and support better outcomes for individuals upon release.

Finally, in the area of Veteran’s services, the Subcommittee recommends funding to expand veteran’s reentry and suicide prevention programs.

With that, Mr. Chairman, the report of the Subcommittee is now before you and the members of the Committee. I hope it will be the Committee’s pleasure to adopt the subcommittee’s report.”