Fairfax County: Gillespie Wins GOP Straw Poll for Governor at Robinson

More than 300 voters attended a Fairfax County Republican Committee straw poll and candidate forum on March 25, according to FCRC executive director Eric Johnson. The event was held at Robinson Secondary School.

With 55.84 percent of the vote from those in attendance, Ed Gillespie won the poll for Virginia governor. State Sen. Jill Vogel (R-27) received a winning 64.36 percent of votes for Lt. Governor. John Adams won the poll for Attorney General, with a 61.69 percent majority.

Matt Ames, FCRC chairman, said in a statement that winning in Fairfax County “is the key to winning in Virginia.

“[One] in seven Virginia voters lives in Fairfax County,” Ames said. “No candidate has been elected Governor of the Commonwealth without also caring Fairfax County in more than 30 years — and that includes Republican Governors McDonnell, Gilmore and Allen.”

Primary elections will be held in Virginia on June 13 this year. The deadline to register to vote, or update an existing registration, is Monday, May 22. The deadline to request an absentee ballot to be mailed to you is Tuesday, June 6. Your request must be received by your Registrar by 5 p.m.